Sabbi is our private editing platform that allows our translators and audio recorders make direct edits to the 8,000+ words, 2,000+ example sentences, and 1,000+ audio recordings.

Since this platform is private, you will need to create an account and wait to be granted access by @Ijemma Onwuzulike

Follow this guide to create an account

Step 1: Go to Sabbi

You can get to Sabbi here 👉🏾

Step 2: Login With Your Preferred Method

Sabbi currently offers logging in with Google, Facebook, or email.


Step 3: Start Contributing

Congrats🎉 Now that you have access to Sabbi, you can now start contributing to the Igbo API.

If you would like to contribute to a more specific project, please reach out to @Ijemma Onwuzulike on Slack.