As Nkọwa okwu continues to grow, so does our product offerings and our user base. We need Project and Product Managers that can bridge the engineering and regular user gap by best understanding how we can improve our products for our users.

<aside> 💡 Read time: 10 minutes


Step 1: What is Project Management?

Step 2: Choose a Project

Take a look through all the available Projects at to see which one catches your interest.

Once you found that project, try to play around with the product by visiting their website. Each project listed in has a link to their website.

Reach out to any of the team members listed in that project to learn about what they’ve been working on how a PM could be helpful in making sure that their project is successful.

<aside> 💡 Recommendation: Suggest setting up a meeting time with you and the team so that you can introduce yourselves and learn more about the project.


Step 3: Consider How to Improve Your Project

Now that you have chosen your project, met with your team, now you want to start identifying areas of improvements for the project.

The best approach for this is to simply ask your teammates what are the current roadblocks or bottlenecks they have been experiencing.

With this information, you can start creating roadmaps and plans to improve the work process of the project to ensure that it:

1. Stays on timeline

All our projects are ran and maintained by volunteers. It’s expected that individuals might not be able to consistently contribute to projects. With this in mind, while building roadmaps and timelines for features consider the resources that are available to you:

Get comfortable creating documents, calendars, or timelines that ensure that the people contributing to the project are on the same page in terms of the work required to hit deadlines.

2. Produces high-quality deliverables