Have issues with the Igbo API Editor Platform? No worries! Follow this guide to help get your issue resolved as quickly as possible.

Step 1: Record The Bug

If you have run into a feature that is unexpected, then you should capture as much detail as possible to help engineers fix it.

Recording the bug consists of two components:

Option 1: Record a Video

Videos are the preferred recording option since we can see all the steps that you have taken that have led you up to this bug.

Option 2: Take a Screenshot

If the bug is static and doesn’t need a video, then you can take a screenshot of the visual bug that you see

Type the bug description

Once you have your video or screenshot, describe the following about the bug:

Step 2: Submit the Bug

Now that you have all your information ready to go to submit a bug, please create a new page within this database below with the following information.

Bug Reports

Step 3: Notify Project Admin

Once you have submitted this bug report, you should be able to see your new bug report appear in our #bug-reports channel in Slack.