<aside> 💡 Joining a project to start contributing only takes 4 steps! Start the process with step 1 👇🏾


🎥 Welcome Video


Step 1: 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Join our Slack

How to Use Slack

Popular Slack Channels

Step 2: 🎯 Get Onboarded

Follow the onboarding guide for your specific role. Reach out to Ijemma if you don’t see anything for your role.

<aside> 💡 Don’t see onboarding for your role? Reach out to Ijemma (and even consider helping the community and creating a new documentation guide)


Lexicographer/Translator Onboarding

Voice-Over Recorder Onboarding

UI/UX Onboarding

Software Engineer Onboarding

Crowdsourcing Onboarding

Community Organizer Onboarding

Technical and Content Writer Onboarding

Project Manager Onboarding

Social Media Manager Onboarding

Want to meet with Ijemma? Set up a call 👉🏾 Ijemma's Availability

📅 Step 3: Join Community Meetings

We meet twice a month in community meetings to allow members to talk about their work and meet others.

Community Meeting Notes

Leading Community Meetings

https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?height=600&wkst=1&bgcolor=%2333B679&ctz=Africa%2FLagos&mode=WEEK&title=Nkọwa okwu Community Meeting Schedule&src=a2VkdUBua293YW9rd3UuY29t&src=YWRkcmVzc2Jvb2sjY29udGFjdHNAZ3JvdXAudi5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t&src=Y190aXY4OGdvcHNyb2xuN2gxNW4za3RtZWswNEBncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t&src=ZW4udXNhI2hvbGlkYXlAZ3JvdXAudi5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t&color=%23039BE5&color=%2333B679&color=%23AD1457&color=%230B8043

Timezone Converter 👉🏾 Savvy Time (WAT to EST to PST)

🎳 Step 4: Join a Project

Reach out to any team member on a project you’re interested in to get started with contributing. If you are not able to great into contact with a team member, please reach out to Ijemma Onwuzulike on Slack. Please read through Code of Conduct .


Share on Social Media

<aside> 🎉 Congrats! You have successfully onboarded as a community member of Nkọwa okwu. ✶ Share you just joined on **Twitter 🐦  ✶** Nkọwa okwu as one of your employers on LinkedIn 💼


Extra Resources

Now that you’ve onboarded and selected a project to contribute to, read through our supplemental resources which are helpful docs and guides to make it easier for you to work.

Nkọwa okwu Supplemental Resources